Over the first ten years of Bravado Entertainment, we managed to produce 87 different movies, with most of them coming since 1997. They range from features to shorts to commercial and trailer parodies. We've tackled almost every genre imaginable: drama, comedy, parody, music video, animation, experimental, and so on. Since there's so much to look through, we offer three different ways to navigate this section of the site:

  • Alphabetical - Searching for a specific title? This'll be your best bet.
  • Chronological - See the most-recently completed stuff first.
  • By Popularity - With the most popular movies listed first, this is a good place to start.

  •      Of course, there's more than just our completed works to look through. There have been lots of fringe work, early works, and things that we just haven't gotten around to finishing. So, here's a bunch of 'bonus coverage' of our movie works:

  • The Graveyard - Our listing of all the projects that were started and never finished
  • The High School Crap - A quick look at the early days of Bravado
  • COMM projects - See the movies we've produced for our college class assignments.

  • Home | Created Oct 8, 2001 | Updated May 7, 2007 | Maintained by Alan Winston | ã 1991-2004 Bravado Entertainment