TRT: 28:20
Premiere: Feb 1, 2000
TVR: 28 Top15: #5
Back in very early 1999, OSU's school paper, The Barometer, did a story on Alan and Delusions of Grandeur. Alan was interviewed a couple times and, despite the paper's reputation for gross inaccuracy, was very excited about the front page story. The morning the article came out, as Alan walked across campus, some readers said hi to him, recognizing him from the paper. The only strange thing - everyone called him Adam. Confused, Alan picked up a paper, and found to his horror that, in addition to dozens of other mistakes, his name was wrong throughout the article. The Barometer promised a correction, but never came through. So everyone on the show came up with a good way to deal with the situation - this episode. A very biting commentary on the Barometer and the article, it targeted nearly everyone and everything involved, in a very funny manner. The Barometer failed to see the humor, requested that the episode be banned from TV, and KBVR-TV was banned from the newspaper. Alan (luckily he was also programming director) didn't back down, reairing it every week for about a month or two. Eventually, things blew over, and a corrected version of the article was printed. And no one messes up Alan's name anymore.
Full Credits
2000 Wookiee Awards
·Best Actor (tie) - K. Shawn Edgar
·Best Actor (tie) - Alan Winston
·Best Director - K. Shawn Edgar
·Best Guest Star - Casey Campbell
2000 Wookiee Awards
·Episode of the Year
Heh. How could you not love this one? Really enjoy its irreverence, especially KShawn and Casey's segments. The fact that it created so much controversy makes me happy as well. This epiosde got one of our biggest responses ever, with many, many people who had their names spelled or completely wrong in the Barometer writing in to lend their support to us. Seems that this sort of thing happens a lot. But at least I finally got a correction and that's all I wanted. Ironically, I actually wrote an article about KBVR-TV for last summer's student media guide. So I guess things are all good now.-Alan Winston

Shawn and Alan check out the paper

The offending article

Casey explains KBVR accounting

Shawn discovers the article while on the toilet

Alan freaks out