Hoping to reprint the original 'Adam' article for the Headlines and Deadlines special, a yearly student media guide, writer (and part-time KBVR actor) Matt LaPlante corrected it. He changed Alan's name back, rewrote parts, removed all of the incorrect financial information, and got information on more current KBVR shows. For this information, he did a new interview with then-station manager James Allen. Unfortunately, James passed on a bit of incorrect information that ended up becoming the centerpiece of the article - that Delusions of Grandeur was somehow over and not going back on the air. It was a perception that many people had, even though the last episode that year was titled The End part 1 and ended with a 'To Be Concluded' screen. Most people just heard 'The End' and assumed it was the final episode. Otherwise, the rewrite was pretty good, although some castmembers were highly offended by being referred to as 'rough around the edges actors on a cult classic', and that Alan's picture had been replaced with an unflattering shot of some random girl from Bodywise. It doesn't seem to be meant as an insult, though. The article came to a surprise to many, as not even Alan was told about it being reprinted. Jenn happened to notice it a month after Headlines and Deadlines came out, to everyone's surprise. But Alan was just happy his name was finally right:

Students' Delusions Serve KBVR TV Audience Well

By Schellene Pils & Matthew D. LaPlante
of The Daily Barometer

What began as a small group of friends with and interest in television parodies became delusions of grandeur.

Or, rather, "Delusions of Grandeur".

The award-winning original satirical comedy with a dash of experimental production spent three years on KBVR TV, Oregon State University's student-run station. The small group of friends that produced the show blossomed into an experienced, diverse group of satirists. Now the show's producer will be moving on.

Alan Winston, program director and producer of Delusions, felt that he needed a format to bring together the shorts and skits that were being made. A show - that has subsequntly become something of a cult hit in Corvallis - was born.

Winston attributed part of the show's success to the efforts of those who show up repeatedly to help create it. Getting enough people to volunteer to help create the show made all the difference, he said.

Delusions' campy feel is aided by rough-around-the-edges actors, another aspect of the show, said some fans.

"No experience is needed for any of the positions," Winston said.

But experience has been a crucial part of the show's production. Over the years, Delusions' cast grew to be about 25 people strong. As the cast developed its repertoire of acting techniques and talents, so did the show's producer.

Among the more famous of Winston's segments are stop-action Star Wars figure sequences, which have pitted Luke, Han and Leia up against the likes of 90's rap phenomenon Vanilla Ice.

Also featured on the show are videos and programs submitted by record companies and other students.

Winston's success with Delusions - which has garnered him several film festival awards - isn't easily duplicated, but any OSU student can give it a try.

Many students come to KBVR to gain experience in broadcasting, but the public access channel is available for anyone attending OSU, not just would-be broadcasters. With many KBVR veterans - Winston among them - leaving, there is a lot of room for new students to try their hand at television broadcasting.

"We're losing some of our oldest shows, so we have a lot of room open for new programming," said station manager James Allen.

Interested students are only required to take a class in either videography or production techniques. That way they get an idea of how to use the camera equipment and learn techniques for editing and lighting.

From there, students submit a production proposal that outlines what their show will be about, who will be working on it and about how long the program will be.

Even though some shows like Delusions are going off the air, Allen is excited about the potential of some of the shows that current KBVR students are developing.

Among those shows are "Locals Live," a program that highlights local bands and singers, and "Body Wise," an exercise show based at OSU's Dixon Recreation Center.

"There's kind of an evolution going on right now," Allen said. "It's exciting that we can pick what our new programming is going to be like."

As the station is a student-based operation, the most important thing is that participants learn, Allen said.

"We have a lot of people here to help you out," said Case Bowman, a former KBVR station manager.

KBVR TV broadcasts locally on cable channel 99.

Home | Created Oct 8, 2001 | Updated May 8, 2007 | Maintained by Alan Winston | ã 1991-2004 Bravado Entertainment