First Appearance: The Jedi pat 3 - The Smuggler
Last Appearance: Delusions of Grandeur ep60: The End part 2
TPR: 64 Top25: #11
One of the most successful of the Spring '98 recruiting class, Andrew had a great first year on the show. He was one of the first segment producers, creating the hilarious GI Joe versus Barbie. He played lots of great supporting characters on the show as well, including Mac in Irrational Paranoia and smuggler Derek Wilson in The Jedi. His most famous role, though, was as the drunken backwoods 'Jebediah-ized' original co-host of the film festival episodes. Unfortunately, at the first Wookiee Awards, Andrew was shut out despite having the most nominations. But he continued on, finally getting recognized for his segment of Got Milk?. Andrew did move on eventually to his own group, co-forming So So Cool Productions. He has made a few apperances since then, notably in Dead Air and The End parts 1 and 2. Check out the So So Cool Productions website to see what Andrew's up to now.
1999 Wookiee Awards
·Best Writer (sketch) - Got Milk?
1999 Wookiee Awards
·Best Writer (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep22: The Third Film Festival
·Best Director (sketch) - Got Milk?
1998 Wookiee Awards
·Best Actor (sketch) - The Jedi part 3
·Best Actor (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep16: The Second Film Festival
·Best Director (sketch) - GI Joe versus Barbie
·Best Director (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep14: The Bloopers part 1
·Best Writer (sketch) - GI Joe versus Barbie
·Best Writer (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep16: The Second Film Festival
·Best Supporting Actor (sketch) - Irrational Paranoia
·Best New Cast/Crewmember

Delusions of Grandeur ep16: The Second Film Festival

The Smuggler The Jedi part 3 - The Smuggler

Mac Irrational Paranoia