
The complete list of KBVR shows that Bravado Entertainment members have appeared in or worked on is available in the collaborations section. This is a list of shows produced by people who were members of the group at the time of production. Or something. So here they are:
NorthWest Morose
K. Shawn Edgar's long-running KBVR show, Northwest Morose is an eclectic blend of artistic drama and outrageous comedy. Dedicated to showcasing the creative genius of the amateur video producer, both submitted movies and award-winning original pieces are presented in the program. Over the years, this show and Delusions have been very connected, with Alan co-hosting this show, and KShawn co-hosting Delusions. The final episode of the show, American Peephole, was a co-production. With so much crossover, a separate page has been set up to cover it all.
More information about Northwest Morose
Visit the American Peephole page
Dark Elysium
Sean O'Donnell-Field's supernatural soap opera, Dark Elysium revolved around the lives of a group of college students and the superpowered beings masquerading around them. Playing a deadly game, the fate of the entire world hangs in the balance. ODF filled his cast by recruiting away Delusions castmembers, including KShawn, Warren, Erin, and Clarissa. Alan and Andy Kim played bit parts on the show. Also, without this show, Jenn, Paul, and Simon probably wouldn't have been recruited to Bravado. Orginally scripted as 16 hour-long episodes, ODF consolidated his story down to five. Only three of those actually got produced, so the show will remain forever unfinished. Though, that depends on what ODF does next...
The Funeral
After the demise of both incarnations of the Brock Jacks show, Warren got to do a show all his own. The Funeral (or, alternately, Warren Blyth's Funeral), was an experimental show of sorts, featuring lots of strange editing, gothic and industrial music videos, and other Warrenesque strangeness. Lasting four episodes before Warren's graduation, this show has also disappeared from the KBVR vaults. Though, that's more due to Warren not being able to find where he put them than anything else.
Theater of War
Theater of War was a drama / comedy / kung fu show produced by Jonason Ho. Jonason and Warren hosted, with Jonason as a secret agent of sorts and Warren his Q-esque technician. In between their segments, Jonason introduced clips of Jet Li movies, straight out of China. Unfortunately, Jonason only got through three episodes before graduating. Unhappy with the way those episodes turned out, he pulled them from the vault. Copies of the show no longer exist.
The Best of KBVR-TV
The Best of KBVR-TV was an anthology series of sorts. Produced back when KBVR had more than one or two popular shows, it started in 1998 as a straight clip show edited by Alan. Eventually, it developed its own continuity and hosts who introduced the clips - Alan, KShawn and Warren. It was in this show that we covered Warren's return from California, and the conclusion of the whole anti-Barometer thing - in the last episode KShawn builds a bomb and blows up the Barometer, killing the hosts in the process.
Adventures in Learning
Adventures in Learning is a summer program for middle school students, and one of their classes was held at KBVR. Stew Young headed up the program through most of the late 90's, and Alan was one of his main assistants. Other instructors included Charles Lind, KShawn, ODF, and Casey Campbell. Alan helped the students on some popular pieces, including the award-winning short Tinytanic.
Mid-Evening with Brock Jacks
A show produced by Bravado Entertainment, it featured Brock behind a desk reading jokes cut in between vintage movie trailers and other ads. Alan co-produced with Brock for four episodes, also directing and editing. He quit after those four episodes and turned it over to Warren Blyth, who renamed it Mid-Mourning with BJ and the Bare. After another four episodes (most of them Brockless), Warren left to produce his own show, The Funeral. Along the way, Bravados like KShawn, Andrew Link and Charles Lind made appearances.
The Look
KShawn actually produced this show - and I'd still like to hear the story of how that happened. Anyway it featured college girls in a 'The View' esque setting discussing important world issues like fashion and TV. Amazingly, it lasted only two episodes.