TRT: 1:58:38
Premiere: Oct 11, 2000
Awards Show
TVR: 21 Top25: #7
The third and final Wookiee Awards show for Delusions, this was definitely the biggest spectacle. It started with a short package of arrivals, where reporters Samantha Sardine and Automatic Jones asked pressing questions like "How big do you think Alan's penis is?". Next came the opening number, the sketch Let Me Entertain You, featuring Alan singing the Robbie Willams song. Case took the stage afterward, sneaking onstage as a ninja, launching into an angry anti-KBVR, Bodywise, and old castmembers monologue. Highlights of the awards ceremony included Waldow presenting an award in a diaper pretending to be a monkey, Simon Fentress giving Alan a 'Wookiee Spanking' onstage, Warren's Wookling Award package, done entirely with sock puppets, the onstage sillystring fight, and Carrie winning the Lifetime Achievement Award. It all culminates with Alan alone in the studio, pounding three beers, and stumbling away. Filled with flashing, tons of dirty jokes, and lots of bizarre cotumes, this was the weirdest Wookiee of them all...
Full Credits
2002 Wookiee Awards
·Episode of the Year
·Best Director - Jeff Bennett
·Best Director - Simon Fentress
·Best Writer - Case Bowman
·Best Writer - K. Shawn Edgar & Jenn Laharty
·Best Guest Star - Simon Fentress
2002 Wookling Awards
·Most Bizarre & Uncomfortable Sequence - Waldow & Mike present a Wookiee
·Best Musical Sequence - You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk
This one's a pretty hard one to categorize. The nominee packages and intro and ending are good, but the rest of the epiosde is filled with either bizarre humor or things so self-referential that not even a lot of the cast got them. Basically, looking from inside, this was a really funny, well-done episode. Looking from the outside.... we're a bunch of bizarre freaks. Oh well, at least it was better than the year before.-Alan Winston
Case didn't pay very close attention to the runsheet, mixing up the order of a few awards and presenters. It was all edited out of the broadcast version.
Alan and Waldow were pulled over after the beer run they made between the taping and the post-party. Alan had been awake for three days, and the cop thought he was on drugs. Maybe it was Alan's bright red hair. Then again, maybe the hair distracted the fact that Waldow wasn't wearing a seatbelt, which the cop didn't notice. This is why the two of them don't appear in the post-party package.
One of Case's comedy skits that he performed was cut from the broadcast. He and pal Boaz Yung attempted to lead the audience in a self-testicle and breast examination, making fun of Bodywise. Very unsuccessfully. During the taping about 1/6 of the audience left because of this segment. It was cut more due to length than content, but it was taken out all the same. And Case is still mad about it.

Case makes his big entrance

Samantha Sardine and Automatic Jones

The Playa, sock puppet style

Carrie wins the big Wookiee

Alan loses the silly string fight

Shawn shows his equipment