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Juston: Yeah, but sometimes it gets...

Karyn: It's just hard to get all together.

Juston: Yeah.

Karyn: Since we're not, you know, just in school, and don't have jobs, or families and everything.

Alan: Like Dan.

Jason: Dan Sucks.

Jackson: A family just sort of has a way of taking away all your free time, huh?

Juston: Yeah, some people we can't even get a hold of anymore. (Notices camera pointing at him, looks at it) I hate that thing!

Jennifer: Well, it's even worse trying to get everybody free together at one time.

Jackson: Yeah, I know. This is...

Karyn: This is rare.

Jackson: I think somewhere in three years we've got and opening. On a Sunday, yeah.

Alan: How long's it been since we've all been together? [4 YEARS - 1984] The six of us, all together at once? How long's it been?

Jennifer: Yeah, this is rare.

Jackson: I don't know, a minute or two?

Jason: Maybe the last bomb threat?

Jackson: What? Last bomb threat?

Alan: I mean, for the first episode, it was you, me... us three and Jackson [THAT WOULD BE ALAN, JASON, CARRIE, AND JACKSON]. Second episode, it was these two, me, and Jason [ALAN, JASON, JUSTON, AND KARYN]... It's pretty tough, 'cause they've got jobs, and lives, and stuff.

Karyn: Lives?

Jennifer: Wow, imagine that!

Alan: Well, comparably.

Jackson: All of us except... (looks at Jennifer) Never mind. [laughter] Just kidding.

Cory Frye: So what, so what, uh, do all you guys do now?

Jackson: Work.

Juston: Work.

Karyn: Go to school.

Jannifer: I'm a mommy.

Cory Frye: Where do you work?

Juston: I have two jobs. Well, I did have two jobs. We're kind of at the end, I'm at the end of one right now, but I'll see how it goes in the future, but, I've been working over seventy hours a week, so It's hard to... have time to do filming. But I am gonna, uh, go to school in the winter. To LB. And Karyn's been going to LB, she's going for her nursing...

Karyn: Yep. This is my fourth year at a two-year college, and I still have two more years.

Cory Frye: I know what that's like.

Jackson: Fourth year at a two-year college?

Karyn: Yeah, and I still have two more years at that school.

Jackson: Wow...

Karyn: I know.

Jackson: That's a long time.

Karyn: I keep changing my....

Jackson: Why don't you just, like, go for it.

Karyn: That's what I'm doing now.

Jackson: You are?

Jennifer: What are you doing, Jackson?

Jackson: What am I doing?

Jennifer: What are you doing?

Jackson: What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm sitting here.

Cory Frye: This is for the "Where are they now" section.

Jackson: Oh.

Jennifer: Where are you now?

Jackson: (regal air) I'm now with a well-established company doing training and travelling.

Jennifer: You make it sound so glamorous!

Jackson: Shorter, and less glamorous... I work at Target Distribution Center, I'm a trainer, and, and, I'm going to be travelling pretty soon. Hopefully soon.

Jason: He travels from Lebanon to work.

Jackson: Yeah. Basically.

Jennifer: All the time.

Jackson: No, I'm going to be going to Sacramento here soon, so... It's going to be pretty cool.

Karyn: Moving down there?

Jackson: No. Just training.

Jennifer: Just, just yeah, for work. We're not moving down there. No thank you.

Cory Frye: Got any plans to get shot or hit by a car in the near future? [laughter]

Jackson: I don't know. Maybe in the near -

Jennifer: He's leaving his schedule open.

Karyn: Don't go to LA. Definitely not to LA.

Jackson: - distant future, I'll plan on something like that.

Cory Frye: Put it in the little black book.

Juston: Yeah. Some people get souvenirs...

Karyn: ...he has scars.

Jackson: Yeah. (looks at watch) It's been a long time, I think I'll slow down...

Alan: Actually, it's been a long time since you've had to go to a hospital for something.

Jennifer: Yeah, I know. It's kind of nice.

Alan: All of a sudden a light falls on him.

Jennifer: Well, that's the first thing we did when we got together was go to the hospital.

Juston: It's like you were saying before - he has one of those frequent flyer-

Jackson: Frequent hospital flyer trip things. [laughter] Like, every tenth visit is free.

Jennifer: Hey, that's true, because when first started seeing each other, that's the first thing we did was went to the hospital. [laughter] Remember?

Jackson: That was an excuse to get out of work!

Carrie: "Hey, I've got a cool place to show ya!"

Cory Frye: So how old is little Jessie?

Jennifer: Almost a year.

Jackson: She'll be a year December 6th.

     Jessica nearly falls off Jennifer's lap, but Jennifer catches her.

Jason: She would've been a year...

Jackson: If she makes it that far. You can't keep a hold of her, man. She just wants to be everywhere.

     Jessica slides off Jennifer's lap and tries to walk away.

Jennifer: [Laughing] Get back here!

Cory Frye: Alan, you're a Computer Science major, right?

Alan: Yeah.

Jackson: That's what he likes to call it.

Juston: I thought you were going for film.

Alan: What?

Jackson: He fiddles around on the computer and likes to call it school.

Cory Frye: Is there a film major?

Alan: Not anymore. There was for a while, and (turns to Charles at camera) how's it work, is there a minor comin' back now?

Charles Lind: A multimedia minor with emphasis in video.

Alan: Oh. Okay. I'm in the multimedia minor now, so...

Carrie: Oh, am I next?

Alan: Yeah.

Carrie: Um, I'm majoring in biology at Western Oregon University. Uh, it's just been a university for about a year now.

Cory Frye: Yeah. Oooooh.

Carrie: [laughs] I know. I still try to call it WOSC, but I get tongue-tied.

Jackson: "No! It's not -".

Carrie: "No!" That's right. And I'm also minoring in Environmental Studies.

Cory Frye: You're minoring in what?

Carrie: Environmental Studies.

Karyn: Oooh.

Carrie: Yeah. It's a new program at WOSC. It's an interdisciplinary...

Jackson: Interdisciplinary, that sounds, kind of...

Carrie: Yeah, it's cool.

Jackson: ...bad.

Carrie: You take a little...

Jason: Is that like corporal punishment?

Carrie: Yeah. Yeah. I've still got bruises. No, it's, um -

     Cory Frye says something quietly.

Carrie: [laughs] Exactly. So what else am I doing? (shrugs) That's it.

Jackson: You could mow my lawn. [laughter]

Carrie: No thank you. It's the only thing I refuse to do.

Jennifer: We don't even have a lawnmower, so c'mon.

Carrie: I'll eat it.

Jason: I could lend you a sheep.

Jackson: Oh, wait a minute. It's called grazing.

Jason: Well... I'm just going to OSU.

Jackson: Not for any particular reason.

Jason: See if I can pass a couple of classes.

Cory Frye: Do you have a major?

Jason: Yeah. Animal Science.

Juston: "Here, sheep, sheep, sheep!" [laughter]

Jackson: He's figuring out how to hurt animals in more malicious ways.

Jason: They can't prove that.

Alan: No need to get into that, now. Get us arrested. Well, get you arrested. Then I'll have one less person to work on the movies with me.

Jason: They called it a UFO.

Cory Frye: Do you have any advice for a budding young filmmaker, now that you've -

Karyn: Get paid. [laughter]

Jackson: Demand your money up front.

Jason: Fill out a contract.

Cory Frye: You mean he never even took you out to lunch?

Karyn: No, we pay for everything.

Jackson: Uhhh, maybe once. Or twice.

Alan: You guys got A's, didn't you? [laughter]

Cory Frye: A free ride through school.

Jackson: Yeah, if I would have finished. [laughs]

Juston: Have fun.

Karyn: Just have fun, yeah. Enjoy it.

Juston: Don't take it too seriously.

Alan: Don't worry how it turns out.

Juston: Go with the flow.

Jackson: Don't take it seriously unless you want to get paid. Otherwise, have fun.

Juston: Be creative.

Karyn: Just let your creativity go.

Alan: No matter what kind of idea you come up with, there's always a way. Whether it be, like, chroma-key or just hanging stuff from fishing line, you know? Just work with what you got.

Jason: That's a good excuse to play with Star Wars toys.

Jackson: Remember the flying toaster and eggbeater flying through the air?

Juston: Yeah. [laughter] Was there broccoli, too?

Jackson: I don't remember. It was supposed to be something for Star Wars or something.

Alan: Instead of being on a speederbike, she was flying around on an eggbeater flying through these trees of broccoli. Real cheesy looking.

Carrie: Cheesy's good.

Jackson: (to a crying Jessica) You're tired and hungry, aren't you?

Jason: I'm tired and hungry, too. I'm gonna start whining.

Carrie: I'm Carrie.

     They attempt to shake hands, but miss.

Cory Frye: So, did any of you think that what started as a lark in high school would be continuing to the modern day?

Jackson: What's that?

Cory Frye: Did you think, that what began as a lark in high school would be continuing to the modern day?

Alan: Not me. You? No? No? Any of us? No? I didn't think so.

Jackson: Yeah, I knew it would be.

Karyn: Yeah.

Cory Frye: Explain.

Jackson: He has a nagging personality that persists. [laughter] He can't stop at something. He's gotta keep going for it and going for it until you submit into making movies.

Juston: Well, it kind of gets us all back together.

Jackson: Yeah, that's the good thing. I mean, deep in the back of my mind, I actually want to get back together with everybody and have fun, because it is fun.

Alan: I keep you all from working too hard.

Jennifer: Yeah, that's why he complains every time you call, right? [laughter]

Jason: "Dang, it's Alan! Just tell him I'm not home!" [laughter]

Alan: Yeah, but I keep you guys from working too hard, right?

Jennifer: Well, you get him out of the house for a while.

Jackson: Which is what she really wants. "Get me out of the house! Yeah, yeah, he wants to go make a film! He'll be down on Sunday!" [laughter]

Alan: Sunday at 10:00AM. "But I get home at 7:00AM." "That's okay, you can sleep for an hour. Maybe."

Cory Frye: Okay. Do you mind if I say something snappy into the camera for you?

Charles: No.

     Camera spins around for extreme closeup.

Carrie: "Hi, Mom!"

Cory Frye: Be sure to watch Delusions of Grandeur, it's great, and, um buy all the videos, and read the Democrat-Herald, and look for Cory Frye, and um... Check out the website, um, I don't know the address offhand, but, um...

Jason: He can put it on there.

Carrie: It'll appear on the screen.

Jackson: www....

Charles: This is his product, anyway. It's nothing.

Juston: How did you find it, anyway? Just...

Cory Frye: I was just goofin around on the web.

Jannifer: That's cool.

Karyn: Is it as wonderful as you thought it would be?

Cory Frye: It's very thorough. It fills up, like, twelve typewritten pages.

Jason: Really?

Cory Frye: Yeah.

Jason: Okay, now end it all by saying "yup yup"! [laughter]

Jackson: It's to look impressive, so we can lure you in here. It worked!

Juston: Now we'll have you guys making movies.[laughter]

Charles: "We need a reporter's van!" [laughter]

Jackson: There we go.

Cory Frye: And Ice Ice Baby is better than Under Pressure! [laughter]

Alan: I guess we should let everyone know that Delusions of Grandeur's next episode, actually, both episodes, will be on Tuesday - a week from this Tuesday. Anyone know what day that is?

Jackson: The 18th!

Karyn: The 26th!

Jackson: One, two...

Jennifer: I have a question. When is this - (camera gets right up in her face) Goodness. [laughter] When is this supposed to be out?

Cory Frye: On Friday.

Jennifer: On Friday? I'll make sure to go buy it.

Karyn: What section is it going to be on?

Cory Frye: It's the Fanfare supplement.

Jennifer: So it's this Friday.

Cory Frye: This Friday.

Jackson: That would be Friday.

Cory Frye: So, when is the exact anniversary?

Alan: Next weekend, probably. A week from yesterday. That's when we first started filming Day of Reckoning.

Jennifer: Boy, you guys are old.

Jason: He keeps track of this?

Alan: Well, 'cause it's the weekend before Thanksgiving, that's the only way I actually remember it.

Jason: Oh.

Alan: Because I remember -

Jason: I remember I was in Ms. Good's class.

Alan: I remember working during Thanksgiving, instead of staying home and eating. Climbing up on top of a building trying not to get arrested.

Cory Frye: What time does this come on?

Alan: 9:30s. 9:30 at night, starting next term, January 13th, will be the first episode, next term.

Jennifer: You guys better get busy.

Alan: One episode a week.

Jackson: Or hack everything up we have already, and make it into seven or eight episodes.

Carrie: That would be boring!

Jennifer: Well, to you guys.

Carrie: I'm so tired of Monmouth! My gosh! "Well, you can go down to the coffee shop." Woo! [laughter]

Jennifer: Well, you've got a Dairy Queen, don't you?

Carrie: Oh, oh yeah...

Cory Frye: It's the only dry community in Oregon.

Carrie: Isn't that -

     Carrie waves her hand and smacks the camera behind her.

Alan: Smack the camera.

Carrie: I'm sorry. [laughs]

Cory Frye: Okay, to avoid misspelling any of your names, I'd like to have each of you come up, and write your name.

Karyn: You want our autographs?

Cory Frye: Yes.

Carrie: Whoa!

Jackson: That's dangerous, because you might not be able to read it.

Carrie: I've never given anyone my autograph before...

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