The High School Crap: 1991-1992 | 1993-1996
Of course, the word 'crap' is used affectionately. Bravado Entertainment was originally a group of seven friends who did video projects for high school English classes. Made in the days before editors, tripods, good actors, etc, these movies are obviously not all that good, but the inventiveness and energy of them make them sort of fun to look back on. So, here are all of our projects produced between 1991 and 1996:
Huck Finn
The second 'official' Bravado movie, this was a parody of the assigned story. It featured a bit more gunplay than the actual story, and a lot of people falling in the frozen river. This one is probably remembered most for the pyrotechnic effects. One worked - Alan taping a firecracker to his chest and lighting it, one didn't - the flaming dummy who was supposed to explode.
Star Warz
appx. 4:00
A 'background video' meant to go along with an oral report about George Lucas, Alan and Dan produced this precursor to the Star Wars Stop-Motion Theater. It featured vintage Star Wars figures in animated segments, including the Max Rebo band jamming out to Jimi Hendrix.
A Community Service Message
appx. 2:00
The first claymation movie, the original version of this was produced by Irv and Alan, but the animation didn't work. Alan reshot the entire movie months later. In it, random bursts of claymation violence encourage kids to use protection.
The Dan Martinak Birthday Celebration
appx. 10:00
A present to Dan for his 16th birthday, this movie included a bunch of short sketches, most written and directed by Juston. Also included was a spirited lipsynching of Was Not Was' 'Hi Dad, I'm in Jail', featuring Irv in his underwear and another anonymous member as a keyboard-playing Monkeyman.
Jacob's 1th Anniversary
appx. 15:00
A prank documentary, this one features the group playing a joke on one of its members. Jacob was at the movies with his girlfriend, celebrating their one year anniversary. So, the group went and saran-wrapped his car while he was inside. In addition, they tied soda cans to the bottom of his car, something he didn't figure out until much later that night after the noise from the cans on the ground got too loud. The movie sorta chronicles a night in the life of the group, including a side trip to Wendy's to harass Juston at work.
The Stranger
appx. 3:00
A short by Irv Hubler, it starts like a horror movie, with a guy walking into a dark room not knowing what to expect. That's when 'the stranger' approaches. He chases him down, when it turns out he was just playing tag all along.
The Mind of a Madman
appx. 2:00
Another comedy short by Irv, it looks into the mind of a crazy man, only to find someone even crazier living there. Weird stuff.
Digital Demon
This time a spinoff of Day of Reckoning, this one introduced a new villain. A criminal killed by Nick Dahlton is revived by a mad scientist, and goes to his home to extract revenge. But instead of finding Nick, there are a group of kids house-sitting. It goes into horror mode from there, but only one scene of that half of the movie was shot - the lawnmower murder scene. Grisly.
Day of Reckoning II: Harridan's Revenge
Building on the success of the first, we tried our first sequel. In it, the hero of the first movie is kidnapped, and his nerdy sidekick becomes a superhero in his own right and comes to the rescue. Unfortunately, this one was abandoned with only one scene left to shoot. Big abanoned warehouses for fight scenes are harder to come across than the movies make it look.
Day of Reckoning
The very first Bravado Entertainment movie, this was a satire of action movies popular at the time. Full of ninjas, explosions, fx makeup, malfunctioning squibs, and so on, it was a big hit at the time. It all ended with a climactic fight scene on the roof of a local shopping center that the crew sneaked up onto.