First Appearance: Delusions of Grandeur ep20: The Wookiee Awards
Latest Appearance: StarStruck
TPR: 157 Top25: #3
Warren was actually recruited through the KBVR industrial music show Eskaton. Brett Lunceford, the producer of that show, recommended Warren talk to Alan about his ideas for videos. Warren wandered randomly into the station one night, and Alan was the first person he ran into. He immediately became a segment producer on Delusions, creating Karate Pate` and a segment of Got Milk?. Warren also became the most versatile character actor on the show, his most famous role being the hick Jedi master Murray J. Bandameer. Eventually, he also became a show producer, working on Mid-Mourning with BJ and the Bare and The Funeral. Possibly our most multi-talented member, Warren has now formed his own production group, Funeral Home Entertainment, and continues to produce, including the award-winning 60 Seconds of Summer, cutUp, Gauntlet 216, and endless Karate Pate sequels. He also now heads up the Video Gauntlet, a way for producers the world over to collaborate and produce short movies. Check out his Funeral Home Entertainment site for more information.
2000 Wookiee Awards
·Best Writer (sketch) - The Jedi part 5 - The Jedi Council
·Best Supporting Actor (sketch) - The Jedi part 5 - The Jedi Council
1999 Wookiee Awards
·Best Writer (sketch) - Got Milk?
2002 REwind Movie Awards
·Best Director - Gauntlet 216 [co-nominee]
·Best Editor - Gauntlet 216 [co-nominee]
2002 Wookiee Awards
·Best Actor (sketch) - Junk Squad
·Best Actor (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep60: The End part 2
·Best Director (sketch) - 60 Seconds of Summer
·Best Director (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep59: The Final Film Festival
2000 Wookiee Awards
·Best Director (sketch) - The Night is Young
·Best Director (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep50: Retrospective
·Best Writer (episode) - Delusions of Grandeur ep51: A Desperate Cry for Help
1999 Wookiee Awards
·Best Supporting Actor (sketch) - The Jedi part 4 - The Jedi Master
·Best Director (sketch) - Got Milk?
·Best New Cast/Crewmember

Murray Bandameer The Jedi part 4 - The Jedi Master

Gauntlet 216

The Slasher Dead Air